World Cup 2018 – Coca-Cola celebrates Island! Thumbs up for that!

Coca cola Island commercial

Today marks the end of the journey of the Islands national soccer team. 1:2 vs Croatia means packing the suitcases and enjoy the rest of the World Cup 2018 on screen or at the stadium (I don´t know if they stay until the rest of the tournament). Basically, every child, man, woman, elder all over the world or at least Europe that has some crush on soccer knows the team around the team captain Aron Gunnarsson. And even if you can not remember one name. Their cheer you will remember.

Coca-Cola did some remarkable pieces of advertising about this team…and not only about the team, but on the people of Island, the spirit and what makes this team so sympathetic.
Within that 1:42 min you can see next to awesome landscapes one of the things and secrets of this team: They are normal.

Blog Inspirations

No Ronaldo posing in front of his Lamborghini, no Messi, no Neymar or whatever Superstar you can name. Just the son of Gunnar, the son of Sigrud or son of Finnboga … all just the sons of someone. And this is what I see in a piece of advertising. Sons of a country that is crazy about soccer and crazy about their national team. I was flashed. That´s why I really like TV-Ads by Coca-Cola. First, they have a great sense how to put emotionality within a commercial…second, they have the money and are willing to spend it.

So, relax … and watch some tiny piece of entertainment…get inspired for your next holiday trip and give some big “HU!” to a soccer team that we all hopefully see again at the European Championship 2020!

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