Why blogging is good for you

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Ever considered starting a blog? Yes, you should! Better start today, than tomorrow! Why? As someone who´s writing blogs for more than 11 years now, I can give you 5 reasons:

01. Blogging relaxes

For me writing an article is something like relaxing therapy. I have to focus on something that I really like. No one tells me what I have to do. Blogging means for me creating content that is 100% my decision. It is this kind of freedom that I need in times when most of the things you have to do are based on decisions made by others. My blog is my kingdom. No one can tell me what or how I have to write something. Other people can like or dislike the content I create, but it´s mine.

02. Enrich the www

Are you one of that 89 % that are only consuming content provided on the internet? Well, how about changing that to be part of this 1%? Give your passion for something back to the people out there, who might have the same interests as you.

03. Show your passion / your skills

Sounds strange, but if you are working in the digital scene, you should have a blog to show what your skills are. I always wonder why people work in the digital business and don´t even have their own website. Why? I mean you earn your Dollars with the WWW. A blog is a perfect way to present yourself and your skills to the world.

Blog Inspirations

04. Set your creativity free

You have no limitations within your blog in regard to your creativity. You can focus on your content and keep your blog very basic … that´s fine, or you spend hours on checking for the latest plugins and adjusting the layout of your blog until perfection is reached. Everything you do is a fingerprint of your style.

05. Your content, your property, your rules

If you have a self-hosted blog (e.g. WordPress on some rented space) all the content there is yours. No one can get access to it if you prevent it. You are the master of your information. No Facebook, no Google can get it if you block it. If you have your content on someone else’s platform it can be censored. But not, if it´s your web space and your blog.

In the end

Everyone has a hobby (or at least should have a hobby), some do sports (good thing … very good one!) mine is blogging. I want to enrich the Internet with my point of view on things. It helps me a lot to understand technical things in my daily business and in the end I learn.

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